Susan Easton: A Survey of Nature

The Sportsman’s Gallery is pleased to present the work of Atlanta-based artist, Susan Easton. From June 1st to June 30th, her work will be on view at the Charleston Gallery located at 165 King Street. Please come by the gallery to view or call 843-727-1224 for inquiries.

Artist statement:

“The unapologetic presence of nature and my attempts to align myself with this has been my guide for as long as I can remember. From hunting and fishing with my dad as a small child, to participating in the Olympic sport of three-day eventing as an adult, animals and nature have been my greatest teachers.

In the small world we live in, we cannot help but be touched by global situations. Positive or negative, we must rise as a species to solve our problems in unity. We have challenges to overcome, and I will forever have gratitude for all creatures, large and small, that share so much wisdom with us.

I must commit myself to something or be destroyed by the nature of things. Metaphorically, speaking, all plants and creatures survive pruning. We are all on the edge of being pruned or death and yet we continue. Our consciousness remains as the body moves on. The Native American phrase, “It is a good day to die” is an example of unity in the human species. A good death is just as important as a good life. This is more about using the physical self to uphold our conscious self. For the Native American, this was about bringing our spiritual selves into our actions.

Animals can’t speak, but every scientific study in the last 30 years has confirmed what we already knew. Plants and animals have more intelligence that we ever thought. We must align ourselves with each other and with nature.

We are all the eye of the storm for our lives. This is a wonderful time to be alive.”